What's Available From Coveo For Developers?

October 15, 2021

By David Austin

If you're someone new starting out developing search interfaces or applications utilizing Coveo it might not be obvious what all is out there to assist you in your journey. There's a lot and it comes in a variety of forms ranging from reference material, interactive tutorials, events, and ways of connecting with the community.

Let me break down all that's available to you, and where to find it.

Coveo documentation

If there's one thing Coveo has a lot of, it's documentation. The primary source for its documentation has everything from reference material, tutorials, and a good breakdown on how it's used with various platforms like Sitecore, Salesforce, Adobe, etc.

If you're looking for where to find all the information on a particular API, then this is the place to go.

Available API extensions for developers from Coveo

Coveo Developer Experience (CDX)

Relatively new to the documentation area is the Coveo Developer Experience (CDX). Here you'll find everything related to:

  • Coveo CLI - A command-line interface to interact with the Coveo platform.
  • Coveo Atomic - This is an ever growing library of web components for developing a Coveo-powered search user interface. It's built ontop of Headless.
  • Coveo Headless - In my opinion, this is the next-generation platform for all future Coveo to be built from. It's the middle layer between the UI and the backend APIs.

Coveo Academy is now Coveo Level Up

The Coveo Academy was a fantastic way of getting in-depth information on every aspect of the Coveo Platform. As of Oct 15th, it's becoming Coveo Level Up. Think of Level Up as the gamification of learning Coveo's many platforms, APIs, just... everything that Developers, Administrators, Marketing, etc would need to be proficient in for building a successful Coveo implementation.

Platform Developer Tutorial

You are also encouraged to go through the Coveo Platform Developer Tutorial as it covers pretty much EVERYTHING a developer of Coveo needs to understand. Things like:

  • Connectors for the web, sitemap, and REST Api sources.
  • Push API
  • Query Pipelines and Machine Learning (ML)

While it's targeted for beginners, I'm still planning on going through it as it's a great refresher if you've been away from Coveo or you just want to see what's new and updated.

Coveo Events

Coveo Partner Bootcamp

Once a quarter or so Coveo gathers all of its subject matter experts together formally called the Coveo Partner Bootcamp. If you're new to Coveo, this is a must attend and luck would have it there's one coming up on October 26 - 27th, 2021.

Codeless Power Up Challenge

Similar to the Partner Bootcamp but aimed for those who want a challenge by giving a certain set of tasks and trying to complete them within the period of time set. There's the November 2021 Edition coming up here soon, November 8 - 11, 2021.

Coding Power Up Challenge

Just finished was the Coding Power Up Challenge for October. Similar to the Codeless Power Up Challenge, but this one is focused more on the Coveo API and Web Scraping side. Certainly more focused on the backend, inner workings than the Codeless challenge. Keep an eye out on their events page for future editions.

Coveo Relevance 360

So think of Relevance 360 as a conference you may have attended back before the pandemic. It's an on-demand resource featuring 20+ hours of content covering everything from Service & Workplace, E-commerce, and of course Development. There's not a ton in the technical aspect here, but having a broad understanding of how it's used is key to building a successful project with Coveo.

Coveo Partner Summit

Perhaps less developer focused than the others, this is still a great event where Coveo shared some success stories. You can find it here



The primary source for pulling down the latest and greatest of Coveo tools like Search UI, Atomic, Headless can be found over on GitHub.

Available Coveo tools for developers on GitHub

Coveo Labs

If you're looking for code itself, the Coveo Labs which is also hosted on GitHub is a fantastic source for checking out some cool examples on what's been built with Coveo tools.

Coveo Connect

Looking for a more formal support channel? Look no further than Coveo Connect. It's got plenty of resources for both Developers and Administrators but the primary reason you'd go here is if you're a Coveo Partner and need additional, perhaps one-on-one support. Maybe you're looking for a solution to a problem, need help from a Coveo subject matter expert? Then head in this direction.

Coveo Community Slack

Lastly, and perhaps my favorite source is the ever-growing Slack community of developers and subject matter experts if you have a question - technical or otherwise, you can post it here. The easiest way in is to get an invite from someone already in the community or your account rep. You can find it here: coveocommunity.slack.com

It's broken down into various channels including #headless, #coveo-for-sitecore, and catch-all area, #technical-questions. If you want to hear the latest on Coveo when it happens, this is where you should be.

Image of Fishtank employee David Austin

David Austin

Development Team Lead | 4x Sitecore Technology MVP

David is a decorated Development Team Lead with 4 Sitecore Technology MVPs and Coveo MVP awards, as well as Sitecore CDP & Personalize Certified. He's worked in IT for 25 years; everything ranging from Developer to Business Analyst to Group Lead helping manage everything from Intranet and Internet sites to facility management and application support. David is a dedicated family man who loves to spend time with his girls. He's also an avid photographer and loves to explore new places.