Vercel Pro vs Enterprise: A Problem-Solution Approach

A needs-based perspective on what’s right for you

August 28, 2024

By Dan Cruickshank

Vercel Pro vs Vercel Enterprise

Web dev (and our world - specific Sitecore Headless & XM Cloud) faces many challenges, from performance issues to security concerns. Choosing the right platform is crucial. Vercel offers two solutions: Vercel Pro and Vercel Enterprise. Which one fits your needs?

At Fishtank, we know every project is unique. Aren’t they? This article will help you decide between Vercel Pro and Enterprise based on your challenges.

Common Challenges in Development and Deployment

Before we dive into specific solutions, let's outline some of the most common challenges faced in web development and deployment:

  • Performance issues, especially for global audiences
  • Scalability concerns as traffic grows
  • Security vulnerabilities and compliance risks
  • Limited development resources and budget constraints
  • Difficulty in managing complex deployments
  • Lack of adequate support for critical issues

Vercel, whether in its Pro or Enterprise form, addresses many of these challenges. However, the extent and method of problem-solving differ between the two tiers. Let's explore how each tier tackles these issues.

Problem: Limited Resources and Budget Constraints

Many development teams, especially in startups or small to medium-sized businesses, face the challenge of delivering high-quality web experiences with limited resources and tight budgets.

Solution: Vercel Pro Features

Vercel Pro offers a cost-effective solution that doesn't compromise on essential features:

  • Automatic HTTPS: Saves time and resources on SSL certificate management
  • Serverless Functions: Enables scalable, event-driven computing without managing servers
  • Built-in CI/CD: Streamlines the deployment process, saving developer time
  • Analytics: Provides basic insights with the option to purchase more advanced analytics

It's important to note that build minutes in Vercel refer to the time Vercel spends building your application, which is triggered by each commit. Pro offers 24,000 build minutes per month.

When Pro is Enough to Solve Your Problems

Vercel Pro is likely sufficient if:

  • Your team has 10 or fewer members
  • Your monthly build minutes don't exceed 24,000
  • You're comfortable with single-region deployments
  • Your security needs don't require advanced features like custom SSL, SAML or a private network.
  • You can work within the limit of 50 custom domains

Sample scenario: A small tech startup uses Vercel Pro to launch their web app. The automatic HTTPS and CI/CD help them focus on building features instead of managing servers. This speeds up their development and saves them money.

Problem: Scaling and Performance Issues

As your user base grows, especially globally, you might face challenges with performance and scaling your application efficiently.

Solution: Enterprise-Grade Infrastructure

Vercel Enterprise offers advanced features to tackle scaling and performance issues:

  • Multi-region Deployments: Reduces latency for global audiences by deploying your application to multiple geographic regions
  • Unlimited Build Minutes: Allows for frequent updates without constraints on build time
  • Larger Serverless Function Size: Increases the maximum size from 50 MB to 250 MB, enabling more complex operations
  • Unlimited Domains: Supports an unlimited number of custom domains, compared to Pro's limit of 50
  • Increased Bandwidth: Offers 1.5 TB of bandwidth per month, compared to Pro's 1 TB
  • Longer Function Execution: Extends the maximum execution time for serverless functions from 60 seconds to 900 seconds
  • Load & Penetration Testing: When coordinated with Vercel, critical independent loading testing can be conducted within the ToS

Additionally, Enterprise offers Secure Compute at an additional cost, which allows for private connections (similar to a VPN) between edge functions and your internal systems. This feature is particularly valuable for organizations with strict security requirements or those needing to access internal resources securely.

How Enterprise Features Address Growth Challenges

Sample scenario: An online store grows quickly and needs better performance worldwide. They switch to Vercel Enterprise. This lets them use servers in many countries, handle big sales easily, and connect securely to their inventory system. Their site now loads faster for all customers.

Problem: Security Vulnerabilities and Compliance Risks

For many businesses, especially those in regulated industries, security and compliance are paramount concerns.

Solution: Advanced Security in Vercel Enterprise

Vercel Enterprise provides a robust set of security features:

  • Custom SSL: Allows for specific security configurations
  • SAML Single Sign-On: Enhances access security
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Provides granular control over permissions
  • SOC2 Compliance: Meets stringent security standards

Sample scenario: A financial tech company needs top-level security. They use Vercel Enterprise for its custom SSL, login system, and user controls. This helps them meet strict security rules while still using Vercel's fast deployment tools.

Problem: Limited Support and Customization

As projects become more complex and business-critical, the need for dedicated support and customization options increases.

Solution: Enterprise-Level Support and Services

Vercel Enterprise offers enhanced support and services:

  • 24/7 Priority Support: Faster response times for critical issues, with guaranteed SLAs
  • Dedicated Success Manager: Personalized guidance and optimization from a named point of contact
  • Professional Services: Expert help for complex deployments, migrations, or performance optimizations
  • Advanced Configuration Options:
    • Custom Build and Development Settings: Tailor your build and development environments
    • Advanced HTTP Headers: Implement custom security policies and optimizations
    • Customizable API Rate Limits: Adjust limits to match your application's specific needs

It's important to note that while Vercel Enterprise offers more flexibility and support, it doesn't provide custom-built integrations or modifications to the core Vercel platform. Instead, it gives you more tools and options to configure Vercel to meet your specific needs within the platform's capabilities.

The Value of Dedicated Support and Professional Services

Sample scenario: A large online shop upgrades to Vercel Enterprise for better support. During a big sale, they quickly fix a site problem with 24/7 help. The Vercel team also helps them set up faster loading times worldwide and move their old system to Vercel. This keeps their site running smoothly, even during busy times.

Final Thoughts On Cost

Budgets are real and to be respected. Even the largest budgets ultimately have constraints. And with virtually every enterprise SaaS company, the enterprise tier comes at a significant increase in price. With that - is there a significant jump in value? Pro and Enterprise are fundamentally the same at the basics but Enterprise introduces a very robust set of features that mature organizations often desire or consider table-stakes.

But if Enterprise is not a fit, there are always creative solutions to be had at the Pro tier.

Solving Your Unique Challenges: Pro or Enterprise?

Now that we've explored how Vercel Pro and Enterprise solve different problems, it's time to create a framework to help match your specific challenges to the right solution.

Framework for Mapping Your Problems to Vercel Solutions

  • Identify Your Top 3 Challenges:
    • Performance issues?
    • Security concerns?
    • Scalability needs?
    • Budget constraints?
    • Support requirements?
  • Rate the Severity of Each Challenge:
    • Low: Minor inconvenience
    • Medium: Noticeable impact on operations
    • High: Critical to business success
  • Match Challenges to Vercel Features:
    • Performance → Multi-region deployment (Enterprise)
    • Security → Custom SSL, SAML, RBAC (Enterprise)
    • Scalability → Unlimited build minutes, larger team size (Enterprise)
    • Budget constraints → Cost-effective features (Pro)
    • Basic support needs → Standard support (Pro)
    • Critical support needs → 24/7 priority support (Enterprise)

Decision-Making Guide Based on Your Primary Challenges

Choose Vercel Pro if:

  • You are budget-constrained
  • Performance and scalability needs are moderate
  • Security requirements are standard
  • Your team size is 10 or fewer
  • You need 50 or fewer custom domains

Upgrade to Vercel Enterprise if:

  • Performance and scalability are critical challenges
  • You have stringent security and compliance requirements
  • You need advanced support and customization options
  • Your team is larger than 10 or rapidly growing
  • You require more than 50 custom domains
  • You need to connect edge functions to internal systems securely

How Fishtank Can Help Tailor the Perfect Vercel Solution

At Fishtank, we try very hard to businesses navigate these decisions and implement the best solutions. Our expertise in enterprise-scale development and AI solutions positions puts in a great position to assist you with:

  • Challenge Assessment - We'll work with you to identify and prioritize your specific web development and deployment challenges.
  • Solution Mapping - Our team will map your challenges to specific Vercel features, helping you understand whether Pro or Enterprise is the best fit.
  • Implementation Support - Whether you choose Pro or Enterprise, we'll help you implement and optimize your Vercel deployment.
  • Ongoing Optimization - As your needs evolve, we'll be there to help you continually refine your approach and maximize the value of your Vercel investment.
  • Custom Solutions - If you need functionality beyond what Vercel offers, we can develop custom solutions that work alongside your Vercel deployment.

Which Vercel is Right for You?

See your doctor - or Fishtank - if you’re still not sure. Hopefully this problem-solution approach shed some light on what might work for you. As your business grows, your needs might change and Vercel has a lot of features to evolve along with your business.

Ready to solve your web dev challenges? Contact Fishtank. Let's identify your issues, find the right Vercel solution, and implement a strategy to drive your business forward. Also - please feel free to reach out to me directly on LinkedIn.

Whether you're a startup using Vercel Pro or an mature organization needing the might Vercel Enterprise, we're here to help you get the most out of it.

Thanks for reading.

Dan Headshot

Dan Cruickshank

President | Sitecore MVP x 11

Dan is the founder of Fishtank. He's a multi-time Sitecore MVP and Coveo MVP award winner. Outside of technology, he is widely considered to be a top 3 father (routinely receiving "Father of the Year" accolades from his family) and past his prime on the basketball court.