Why Geolocation in Sitecore is Unique and powerful
In Sitecore every visitor to your site - anonymous or identified - is a Contact. All information gathered about a visitor is stored as part of their Contact inside of Sitecore's xDB. This makes geolocation native to Sitecore and a native aspect of all visitors to your website.
Contact vs Interactions
When interacting with a Contact via the Sitecore API in a session you'll find a split between the users Session.Contact and Session.Interaction. The geolocation information is stored under Interaction.
When viewing your visitors through Sitecore's Experience Analytics tools, you see a user's * interactions through their contact. So when I say Contact I'm speaking broadly of both.
Geolocation Data Is Only Resolved Once
When Sitecore detects an untracked user, it creates a Contact for that visitor within xDB. It's only on this initial contact creation that Sitecore will resolves user location via GeoIP lookup. It uses the startTracking pipeline:
<startTracking patch:source="Sitecore.Analytics.Tracking.config">
<processor type="Sitecore.ExperienceExplorer.Business.Pipelines.StartTracking.JourneyPipeline, Sitecore.ExperienceExplorer.Business" patch:source="Sitecore.ExperienceExplorer.config"/>
<processor type="Sitecore.Analytics.Pipelines.StartTracking.RaiseStartTracking, Sitecore.Analytics"/>
<processor type="Sitecore.Analytics.Pipelines.StartTracking.InitializeTracker, Sitecore.Analytics"/>
<processor type="Sitecore.Analytics.Pipelines.StartTracking.TrackerInitialized, Sitecore.Analytics"/>
<processor type="Sitecore.Analytics.Pipelines.StartTracking.UpdateGeoIpData, Sitecore.Analytics"/>
And calls the UpdateGeoIpData class which looks something like this:
namespace Sitecore.Analytics.Pipelines.StartTracking
public class UpdateGeoIpData : StartTrackingProcessor
public override void Process(StartTrackingArgs args)
if (Tracker.Current.Session.Interaction == null)
This stores the geolocation data into the current session to ultimately reside as part of the users Contact.
The Sitecore Contact Is Always Referenced
Anytime a visitors location is referenced - usually from within the Sitecore Rules Editor - the information is pulled directly user's Contact. It does make subsequent calls to confirm GeoIP on every call. The visitor's Contact acts as a cache for the geolocation data.
Accessing Geolocation Data from xDB
Here is a snippet below where we get the current visit from the tracker and return it's geolocation data.
var tracker = Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Current;
var interactionData = tracker.Interaction;
if (interactionData.HasGeoIpData && interactionData.GeoData.Latitude != null)
return interactionData.geoData;
Here is a more complete helper (though still quite basic) that validates the status of tracker, then returns the ContactLocation object:
public static ContactLocation GetLocation(){
if (Tracker.IsActive == false) //In case this method gets called before tracking is initialized
var tracker = Tracker.Current;
var interactionData = tracker.Interaction;
if (interactionData.HasGeoIpData && interactionData.GeoData.Latitude != null && interactionData.GeoData.Longitude)
return interactionData.GeoData;
return null;
One Source For Visitor Locations
Because Sitecore already calculates your visitors location, I advocate using that geolocation data stored with the Contact (inside of Interaction instead of spinning up a secondary method to track their location. It's a nice simple centralized, cheap and cheerful approach.
However - if you want visitors to update their location and store it as a part of their Contact, that's a little more complex than I'll get into here. But it can be done. And I'll attempt to cover that next.
Thanks for for reading.