Office-Friendly Techniques for Stress Relief

Feeling stressed at work? Try these three quick and easy breathing exercises to help you stay calm and collected.

October 31, 2023

By Deepa Sannappa

Stress can affect our emotions, our body and how we behave in many different ways. Sometimes, when we are stressed, we might be able to tell right away. But at other times, we might keep going without recognizing the signs.

An increased level of stress may increase the risk of hypertension, fatigue, headaches, and indigestion. Stress can take a physical toll on a person, but there are ways to alleviate it.

Breath work benefits both the body and mind by directly addressing relaxation responses in the body. Breathing exercises are:

  • Simple to learn
  • Equipment is not required
  • Can be performed anywhere

Here are four breathing exercises for professionals that can be performed while sitting at your desk.

1. Compress and Let Go

When we are stressed, we store tension in various parts of our body. The Compress and Let Go technique is great for releasing tension and anger.


  • Sit comfortably and easily.
  • Take a deep breath in and tighten every part of your body.
  • On the countdown of three, exhale with a loud haa sound.

2. Alternate Nostril Breathing

This technique can help you calm down or relax. Taking deep breaths through alternate nostrils leaves you feeling balanced and ready to perform dynamic activities.


  • Using your right hand, place the index and middle fingers between the eyebrows, the ring and little fingers on the left nostril, and the thumb on the right nostril.
  • When exhaling, close the right nostril with your thumb and breathe out through the left nostril.
  • Inhale through the left nostril and breathe out through the right nostril.
  • Breathe in through the right nostril and close it with the thumb, then exhale through the left nostril by releasing the ring finger on the left side.
  • One round of Alternate Nostril Breathing consists of two full breaths.
  • Perform 5–9 rounds of alternating breaths between the nostrils. You should always inhale through the same nostril that you just exhaled.

3. Straw Breath

Straw breathing can help you regain a feeling of calm and can be a very useful tool for anxiety. It is like a quick healing balm.


  • Sit comfortably with your back straight and your face, neck and shoulders relaxed.
  • Inhale fully through your nose and then breathe out through pursed lips like you're breathing out through a straw. You should exhale fully, gently, without forcing the breath.
  • Inhale through your nose again, and exhale through the imaginary straw.
  • Try to breathe down into your abdomen. Feel the rising movement of your abdomen as you inhale and the falling movement of the abdomen as you exhale.

Closing Thoughts: Why You Should Practice Breath Work

Breathing techniques are important in the workplace for several reasons, as they can have a significant impact on employee well-being, productivity and overall work environment.


Deepa Sannappa

QA Analyst

Deepa is a QA Analyst who ensures that final products meet quality standards. She studied computer science and has a Bachelor of Engineering with over 5 years of experience in banking and e-commerce spaces. Deepa is passionate about yoga, meditation, and walking outside. She also enjoys solving puzzles. Overall she likes to engage in activities that energize both her body and mind.

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