Sitecore Development 101: Creating an Interactive PowerShell Script

A step by step guide to creating, configuring and executing an interactive PowerShell script directly from the Context Menu

July 29, 2024

By Jeremy Murphy

How to Create and Configure a Sitecore PowerShell Script to Have It Interact Directly With Your Content Tree

As many of you may already know, Sitecore comes with its own PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment) out of the box in the Sitecore Launchpad menu. This PowerShell ISE can routinely come in handy when wanting to move items, update them or even delete them in mass quantities. However if you’re working directly from the ISE itself, it can quickly become tedious to constantly be hardcoding any ID’s or paths of items or folders that you are trying to access.

Luckily, Sitecore allows for both the creation of PowerShell scripts that can be run directly in the Content Tree and a slew of interactive dialog options to let you interact with items within the Content Tree in various ways within your script’s logic. This blog will walk you through how to set up and execute this type of script.

Step 1: Creating the Sitecore PowerShell Script Module

In order to run a script from the context menu, we first need a script to run. To do this:

  1. In your Content Editor, navigate to sitecore/system/Modules/Script Library
  2. Right click on Script Library **and insert a “PowerShell Script Module Folder” — this isn’t necessary but helps with organization — and name your folder
  3. Right click your new folder and insert a “Module Wizard”

Script execution result displaying the item paths.

  1. On the next menu, configure the following

    1. Name: it is always recommended to name your module something meaningful, to always be clear on what that script will do when executed
    2. “Enable module” should be selected by default — leave it selected.
    3. Integration points to create: For this case, we only need to select Context Editor - Context Menu
    4. Click Proceed

      Create a new module dialog with integration points options.

When this process finishes, you will have the following structure:

Sitecore script library showing custom module options.
Note: Any script created or moved into the Context Menu item can be accessed from the Context Menu.
  1. If you already have a script created, move it under the Context Menu you just created. If not, you can create one by right clicking the Context Menu Item and selecting PowerShell Script from the options.

    To ensure this worked correctly, you would be able to right click any item in the Content Tree, select Scripts and be able to see and click the script you created inside the Context Menu Module item

    Context menu showing scripts option in Sitecore content editor.

Step 2: Getting Started With the Sitecore PowerShell Script

At this point, if everything worked as expected, you should have a script that is executable from any item in the Content Tree. Now we will open this empty script in the PowerShell ISE and begin scripting. To do that

  1. Navigate to the Sitecore Launchpad and select PowerShell ISE from the options on the dashboard
  2. Next, open the script you just created. Click on the Open button in the menu and select the Content Tree tab. You should be able to navigate to the script you just created inside your PowerShell Module

Sitecore content tree with example script highlighted.

  1. Now that the script you created is open in the Sitecore ISE you can begin scripting. The remainder of this blog will focus on 2 main elements.
    1. Getting and using the Context Item the item that you ran the script on in the Content Tree
    2. Setting up an Interactive Dialog to select and use an item directly in your script

Step 3a: Getting and Using the Context Item

When executing a script on an item in the Content Tree, you can right click the item, navigate to scripts and run the script from the options available. In that script, getting the item you ran the script on is very simple

# Get the current item the script is run on
$contextItem= Get-Item .

This line calls the Sitecore PowerShell function Get-Item ** and passes it “ . “ referring to the item the script was run on.

Step 3b: Setting Up an Interactive Dialog

Running a script on a Content Tree item and having access to that item is great and can be very useful, additionally, Sitecore also provides some Out of the Box functionality to interact with the Content Tree via Interactive Dialog **functions.

They have many different functions for various types of dialog, which can be found here in their official documentation but for this blog we are going to focus on the one that can interact with the Content Tree via dropdown selection.

In order to set up an interactive dialog that allows you to select an item from a certain path in the Content Tree, you will need the following code:

$dialogParams = @{
Title = "Example Item Selector"
Description = "Choose any item in the content tree under the specified path"
OkButtonName = "Execute"
CancelButtonName = "Close"
ShowHints = $true
Parameters = @(
        Name = "exampleSelector"
        Title = "Choose an item"
        Editor = "droptree"
        Source = "/sitecore/content/Example Folder"
        Tooltip = "Choose any item"

$dialogResult = Read-Variable @dialogParams

if ($dialogResult -ne "ok") {

Most fields in the above code, such as title or description, are pretty self explanatory but for those ones that are not, here is an inside on what they mean:

  • dialogParams: this is the parameters object that is passed into the Read-Variable function
  • Parameters Name: this is the variable name that the selected item can be reference by once the function finishes
  • Editor: this is where you state what type of Read-Variable dialog you want. In this case it is a droptree. Others can be found in the documentation link above.
  • Source: This is where you set the path of the Content Tree you want the droptree selector to be able to pick from

Running this dialog will result in the following to pop up:

Item selector dialog in Sitecore with a dropdown menu.

And selecting the dropdown arrow will show the contents you can choose from based on your source path in the configuration code above

Item selector showing example folder and items in Sitecore.

Finally, running this script on the Example Folder ** and selecting the Example Item **item in the dropdown and writing both item paths will give you the following:

Script execution dialog showing selected item path in Sitecore.

That’s All Folks

That is it, you are now fully equipped to create, configure and run an interactive script directly from the Context Menu as well as use the Content Tree items withing your script using Sitecore’s Interactive Dialog feature. If you have not yet checked out my previous blog on “Creating a Custom Rendering Contents Resolver you should, and stay tuned for more Sitecore Development 101!

Until next time…

Full script:

# Get the current item the script is run on
$originalSite = Get-Item .

#initialize dialog parameters
$dialogParams = @{
Title = "Example Item Selector"
Description = "Choose any item in the content tree under the specified path"
OkButtonName = "Execute"
CancelButtonName = "Close"
ShowHints = $true
Parameters = @(
        Name = "exampleSelector"
        Title = "Choose an item"
        Editor = "droptree"
        Source = "/sitecore/content/Example Folder"
        Tooltip = "Choose any item"

#invoke the Read-Variable function to show dialog
$dialogResult = Read-Variable @dialogParams

#closes the dialog on non confirming button click
if ($dialogResult -ne "ok") {

# Writes script item and selected item paths
Write-Host Item path you ran the script on: $originalSite.FullPath
Write-Host Item path you selected from the dialog: $exampleSelector.FullPath

Picture of Fishtank employee Jeremy Murphy

Jeremy Murphy

Sitecore Developer

Jeremy Murphy is a self-driven full-stack developer with over six years of software development experience. He has been Sitecore certified for several years and also has certifications in Web Accessibility. He is fluent in front-end frameworks such as React and in developing scalable custom web APIs that deliver on customer experience. Outside of work, he is passionate about health and fitness and spends a lot of his time outdoors, either camping in the Maritimes or travelling the world.