Archiving Items In Sitecore

June 16, 2020

Archiving content is a great way to remove unnecessary and old versions of content from your content editor, while allowing you to keep it for auditing purposes.

Watch our short, 1 minute video to find out how to archive content in Sitecore, or follow the instructions below.



  1. In the content editor, select your page or item in the content tree.
  2. Selecting a page in the content tree screengrab
  3. Click 'review' and 'archive' in the Sitecore top navigation ribbon.
  4. Review and archive in the Sitecore top navigation ribbon
  5. Here you can choose whether you want to archive the item now, archive a version of the item now, or archive the item in the future.
  6. To archive the item now, select 'archive item now'.
  7. Archive item now menu item
  8. Click 'OK'
  9. Are you sure you want to archive Sitecore menu item screengrab
  10. To archive a version of the item, click 'archive version now'.
  11. Archive version now
  12. A dialogue box will appear asking you to confirm the version you want to archive. Click 'OK'.
  13. Do you want to archive a version of this page dialogue box Sitecore screenshot
  14. If you need to archive the item on a date in the future, select 'set archive date', and choose the date and time, as well as the version you want to archive here, click 'OK' when you’re finished.
  15. Set archive date menu item Sitecore

Restoring an archived item

  1. To restore an item that you’ve archived or to delete it, on your Sitecore Dashboard, click Desktop.
  2. Desktop on Sitecore dashboard image
  3. Select the Sitecore icon and click 'All applications' > then 'archive'.
  4. All applications and archive Sitecore master view
  5. Select the item here, and then click 'Restore' or 'Delete', depending on what you’d like to do with it.
  6. Archive restore and delete buttons in Sitecore