Upgrading Your XM Cloud Project from Sitecore JSS 21.5 to JSS 21.6

How to enjoy the improvements and new features

February 23, 2024

By David Austin

If you’ve started a new project since January 18th, 2024 there’s a pretty good chance you’re already on Sitecore JSS 21.6. However, if you’ve started one prior or are supporting or still in the project build of a previous project, you’re likely running Sitecore JSS 21.5 and thus a good candidate for an upgrade.

What’s Changed in Sitecore JSS 21.6?

Lots. Though I do want to call out a few of the most notable.

New Features

  • Support for SitecoreForm component
  • Introduction of BYOC component for importing both client-only components and hybrid components.

Major Changes

  • Introducing the clientFactory attribute. This attribute is designed for use by GraphQL-based systems, replacing the now-deprecated endpoint and apiKey attributes. The clientFactory acts as the main gateway for processing GraphQL queries within the application.
  • CloudSDK takes over for Engage. In order to utilzie CDP & Personalize you should now be using the CloudSDK.
  • Point of Sale for CDP & Personalize is gone in exchange for being completely handled by Sitecore Edge Proxy.

Environment Variable Changes

  • Switch from using JSS_APP_NAME to SITECORE_SITE_NAME
  • New SITECORE_EDGE_CONTEXT_ID environment variable has been added.
  • You can now have an empty value for PUBLIC_URL but if it contains a value, it will take precedence over an equivalent value in Vercel and Netlify services.

Properly Update Node Modules

First thing first, let’s open up your package.json file located in your XM Cloud project. It’s likely located here: src/<rendering name>/package.json. Open it up in Visual Studio Code or another editor, and locate all @sitecore-jss packages.

Package.json file highlighting the updated version of the Sitecore JSS package.

In our OOTB XM Cloud project, we have three (3) packages that need to change from 21.5.3 to 21.6.2.

Note: As of the writing of this article, Sitecore JSS has already added two patches, updating the version from 21.6.0 to 21.6.2. For a complete list of all updates to JSS, check out the GitHub repository.

It’s possible in your package.json that you have additional JSS packages. Please be sure to update these as well.

Next you will need to locate and update @types/react to ^18.2.22.

Once done it should look something like the following.

Screenshot of a package.json file with Sitecore JSS and other dependencies.

Once you’re done that, you will want to run the following command in the rendering folder:

// Change to your rendering folder
cd src/<rendering>

// Run the following command
npm install

This should complete fairly fast. I think at most it took was 5 seconds for me.

Terminal output showing npm install process and a list of package vulnerabilities.

Update Environment Variables Within Rendering Application

Locate your .env file within your rendering application. It should be found: src/<rendering>/.env.

Open it up in Visual Studio Code and locate the value for JSS_APP_NAME.

It will likely be found here on line 40 unless you’ve added additional entries above.

Image of a text editor with an environment variable for a JSS app name in the configuration file.

We’re going to rename it to SITECORE_SITE_NAME. While doing so may be optional in your local environment, this is the environment variable name used in XM Cloud for projects that are using Sitecore JSS 21.6.

Update Existing and Additional Files in Your Application

While it might seem a bit odd, we’re now going to create a “net new” Sitecore JSS 21.6 project. Why you ask? Wasn’t that the whole point of updating all that stuff above?

Short answer yes. But you see, the new Sitecore JSS 21.6 requires changes to the following files:

  • /scripts/generate-config.ts
  • /src/lib/next-config/plugins/cors-header.js -
  • /src/lib/graphql-client-factory/
  • /src/lib/config.ts
  • /src/lib/dictionary-service-factory.ts - replace existing with 21.6 version, or if you’ve modified, bring across appropriate changes.
  • /src/lib/layout-service-factory.ts - replace existing with 21.6 version, or if you’ve modified, bring across appropriate changes.
  • /src/pages/_app.tsx - replace existing with 21.6 version, or if you’ve modified, bring across appropriate changes.
  • /src/Boostrap.tsx - bring across from 21.6 project.
  • /next.config.js
  • /scripts/config
  • /src/Layout.tsx
  • /src/Navigation.tsx

Before we do all that, let’s first create a net new 21.6.0 project, shall we?

First let’s create a project directory. Let’s call it c:/jss-upgrade.

Let’s run the following.

npx create-sitecore-jss@^21.6.0 nextjs

When prompted to Ok to proceed? (y) hit y.

When prompted: ? Where would you like your new app created? (C:\jss-upgrade\nextjs) hit Enter.

Continue selecting the rest of the options as it pertains to your existing solution.

After successfully running you should be presented with an image like the following:

Terminal output showing ASCII art for Sitecore JSS and setup instructions.

Open Up a File Comparison Tool

I like to use WinMerge but feel free to use any comparative tool that will allow you to spot differences between your existing project and the new Sitecore JSS 21.6 project we just created.

I just want to call out a few things. One difference we noticed was in tsconfig.js. This should not be the case and the noted difference is a bug we have raised with Sitecore.

Side-by-side comparison of TypeScript configuration files highlighting changes.

The line should be "react": ["node_modules/@types/react"] otherwise if you are using Storybook it will not run properly and will complain about multiple reacts within your project.

Files to Copy Across

The following files you’ll want to copy straight across from Sitecore JSS 21.6.

  • /scripts/generate-config.ts
  • /src/lib/next-config/plugins/cors-header.js
  • /src/lib/graphql-client-factory/ - bring entire folder
  • /src/lib/config.ts
  • /src/Boostrap.tsx
  • /src/byoc - bring entire folder

Files to Update

  • /src/lib/dictionary-service-factory.ts - replace existing with 21.6 version, or if you’ve modified, bring across appropriate changes.
  • /src/lib/layout-service-factory.ts - replace existing with 21.6 version, or if you’ve modified, bring across appropriate changes.
  • /src/pages/_app.tsx - replace existing with 21.6 version, or if you’ve modified, bring across appropriate changes. The primary update here is the introduction of the Bootstrap component.
  • /next.config.js - Make the following changes to your next.config.js file. Remove getPublicUrl import and update getPublicUrl(); with jssConfig.publicUrl; i.e. Updating what’s on the left, with what’s on the right.

Code comparison of Next.js configuration files showing differences in import statements.

  • /scripts/config - update additional files being careful to address any changes you may have made in your project
  • /src/Layout.tsx and /src/Navigation.tsx - update both the getPublicUrl import line replacing it with the temp/config import shown below along with the getPublicUrl() function line as well. i.e. Updating what’s on the left, with what’s on the right.

Code snippet showing updated import syntax in a Next.js file.

Updating Sitecore SXA

One of the beautiful things about using Sitecore XM Cloud in the Headless environment is the seamless nature at which we can take advantage of Sitecore SXA. So it’s no wonder we will need to update some of it’s key properties.

There are four areas we need to focus on when updating SXA.

  1. /src/lib/middleware/plugins/redirects.ts
  2. /src/pages/api/sitemap.ts
  3. /src/assets/sass
  4. The Error pages - src/pages/404.tsx and /src/pages/500.tsx

Updating Redirects Plugin

For most people I think this might be something rarely touched. And thus, replacing it with the new 21.6 version should be straight forward.

If not, you’ll want to replace the lines on the left, with the lines on the right.

Code snippet of middleware configuration in Sitecore JSS with highlighted changes.

As well as the following here:

Code snippet showing the redirects middleware constructor in Sitecore JSS with updated parameters.

Now Sitecore’s official migration documentation also mentions something that isn’t even in the Sitecore JSS 21.6 version we downloaded, in that their RedirectsMiddleware object we’re told should now look like this.

  locales: ['en'],
  excludeRoute: () => false,
  disabled: () => process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
    (process.env.GRAPH_QL_SERVICE_RETRIES && 
     parseInt(process.env.GRAPH_QL_SERVICE_RETRIES, 10)) ||

Specific changes noted to that and the project file are these lines. I’m not entirely certain as to the

    (process.env.GRAPH_QL_SERVICE_RETRIES && 
     parseInt(process.env.GRAPH_QL_SERVICE_RETRIES, 10)) ||

You’ll even note those lines are not in the Redirects.tsfile inside the XM Cloud Foundation Head project on GitHub.

Updating Sitemap API

The Sitemap API, unlike the Redirects Plugin, is something we have modified a number of times.

You copy it straight across if you haven’t modified it from it’s original version. Otherwise, you’ll have to make the following changes. i.e. Change what’s on the left, to what’s on the right.

Code diff showing changes in import statements for Sitecore JSS utilities.

And here:

Code snippet showing modifications in the sitemap generation logic for a web application.

The complete code for the right side is here:

const reqtHost = req.headers.host;
const reqProtocol = req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] || 'https';
const SitemapLinks = sitemaps
  .map((item) => {
    const parseUrl = item.split('/');
    const lastSegment = parseUrl[parseUrl.length - 1];
    return `<sitemap>

Updating Multi-Site Add-on

Thankfully there is only one file in particular that needs to be updated and like the above, if you haven’t modified it, you can copy it straight from the 21.6 project. It is: /src/lib/sitemap-fetcher/plugins/graphql-sitemap-service.ts

If you have modified it, you will need to ensure the lines on the left, shown below, are updated to the lines on the right.

Comparison of code with updates to a GraphQL sitemap service plugin in a web project.

Post Upgrade Tasks

Now that you’ve modified all the files necessary, it’s important that you restart your rendering host such that everything takes effect. That said, I would highly recommend running the following command to determine if any custom components, libraries, APIs or plugins that perhaps you build need to be retrofitted.

 npm run lint

I would also then run

npm run start:production

From the results that come you can then address any changes you might need to make in your front end application.

Image of Fishtank employee David Austin

David Austin

Development Team Lead | 4x Sitecore Technology MVP

David is a decorated Development Team Lead with 4 Sitecore Technology MVPs and Coveo MVP awards, as well as Sitecore CDP & Personalize Certified. He's worked in IT for 25 years; everything ranging from Developer to Business Analyst to Group Lead helping manage everything from Intranet and Internet sites to facility management and application support. David is a dedicated family man who loves to spend time with his girls. He's also an avid photographer and loves to explore new places.